21289 Sales Tax Rate

Baltimore, MD is in zip code 21289. The current (and Dec, 2020) total local sales tax rate in Baltimore, MD is 6.000%.

Sales Tax Breakdown

Maryland State6.000%
Baltimore County0.000%
Total 6.000%

Baltimore Details

Baltimore, MD is in Baltimore County. Baltimore is in the following zip codes: 21201, 21202, 21203, 21205, 21206, 21209, 21210, 21211, 21212, 21213, 21214, 21215, 21216, 21217, 21218, 21223, 21224, 21229, 21230, 21231, 21233, 21235, 21239, 21240, 21241, 21250, 21251, 21252, 21260, 21263, 21264, 21265, 21268, 21270, 21273, 21274, 21275, 21276, 21278, 21279, 21280, 21281, 21282, 21283, 21284, 21285, 21287, 21288, 21289, 21290, 21297, 21298. ...Show 49 more