36109 Sales Tax Rate

Montgomery, AL is in zip code 36109. The current (and Dec, 2020) total local sales tax rate in Montgomery, AL is 10.000%.

Sales Tax Breakdown

Alabama State4.000%
Montgomery County2.500%
Total 10.000%

Montgomery Details

Montgomery, AL is in Montgomery County. Montgomery is in the following zip codes: 36101, 36102, 36103, 36104, 36105, 36106, 36107, 36108, 36109, 36110, 36111, 36112, 36113, 36114, 36115, 36116, 36117, 36118, 36119, 36120, 36121, 36123, 36124, 36125, 36130, 36131, 36132, 36133, 36134, 36135, 36136, 36140, 36141, 36142, 36177, 36191, 36192, 36193, 36194, 36195, 36196, 36197, 36198, 36199. ...Show 41 more