40512 Sales Tax Rate

Lexington, KY is in zip code 40512. The current (and Dec, 2020) total local sales tax rate in Lexington, KY is 6.000%.

Sales Tax Breakdown

Kentucky State6.000%
Fayette County0.000%
Total 6.000%

Lexington Details

Lexington, KY is in Fayette County. Lexington is in the following zip codes: 40501, 40502, 40503, 40504, 40505, 40506, 40507, 40508, 40509, 40510, 40511, 40512, 40513, 40514, 40515, 40516, 40517, 40522, 40523, 40524, 40526, 40533, 40536, 40544, 40546, 40550, 40555, 40574, 40575, 40576, 40577, 40578, 40579, 40580, 40581, 40582, 40583, 40584, 40585, 40586, 40587, 40588, 40589, 40590, 40591, 40592, 40593, 40594, 40595, 40596, 40598. ...Show 48 more